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Hi Author,

As the holiday season wraps us in its glittering embrace, I (Liana) find myself contemplating the true essence of Christmas – the spirit of giving, of love, and of course, the joy of receiving heartfelt gifts.

This year, my wish list, like that of many authors, isn’t filled with material things, but rather with the intangible treasures that make our writing journey truly magical.

  • The Gift of Time

At the top of every author’s wish list, you’ll find the precious gift of time. In the bustling cacophony of everyday life, finding time to write, to craft the stories that dance in our minds, is a challenge. Imagine having uninterrupted hours to explore the depths of our creativity, to weave intricate plots, and to breathe life into characters.

That, my friends, is the ultimate gift.

To have the freedom to write without the constant worry of marketing tasks, social media updates, and promotional activities would be a dream come true. Time, after all, is the essence of creativity.

  • Reader Reviews that Resonate

Next on my wish list are those heartfelt reader reviews that touch our souls. Each word, each praise, and even each critique, is a validation of our hard work and dedication. Reviews are not just a measure of our success; they are a connection, a bridge between the author and the reader.

To receive reviews that resonate, that reflect the emotions we poured into our stories, is akin to receiving a warm hug on a chilly winter day. Readers hold the power to make an author’s day by sharing their thoughts. Your reviews are cherished more than you can imagine.

  • Doses of Creativity

As authors, we thrive on creativity. But even the most imaginative minds need a little nudge now and then. This Christmas, I wish for bursts of creativity – whether it’s a quirky writing prompt, a beautifully illustrated book, or a simple walk in nature that sparks a new idea.

Creative inspiration can be found in the most unexpected places, and these little doses of creativity are like magic potions, rejuvenating our imaginative spirits and helping us craft stories that resonate deeply with readers.

  • A Supportive Community

Last but certainly not least, every author dreams of being part of a supportive community – a tribe of fellow writers, readers, and enthusiasts who understand the challenges and triumphs of the writing process. Writing can be a solitary endeavor, but having a community to share experiences, seek advice, and celebrate achievements adds a whole new dimension to our creative pursuits.

A supportive community is a sanctuary where ideas flourish, where encouragement flows freely, and where dreams are not just pursued individually but collectively. It’s a haven of inspiration and understanding, making the writing journey all the more fulfilling.

So, there you have it, the items on my author's Christmas wish list. These gifts, though intangible, have the power to transform a writer’s world, making our literary adventures all the more meaningful and enriching. While they can’t be wrapped up and placed under the tree, it would be a great joy to receive them!

Whether you’re fortunate enough to find these presents or blessed with something completely different on Christmas morning, may your holiday season be filled with the magic of words and the joy of storytelling. Happy writing and Merry Christmas!


Liana, Danielle, & Team

In the enchanting realm of books, authors are the magicians who weave spells with their words, painting vivid worlds and breathing life into unforgettable characters. As readers, we often find ourselves deeply moved, inspired, and sometimes transformed by the stories they tell.

Just as authors pour their hearts and souls into their creations, readers too have a role to play in this literary dance. So, how can we, as readers, show our gratitude to these literary artisans? Here are some heartfelt ways to spread bookish love and appreciation.

1. Write Heartfelt Reviews

Reviews are the lifeblood of an author’s career. Taking a few minutes to write a genuine review on platforms like Goodreads, Amazon, or personal blogs can make a world of difference. Share your thoughts, your favorite moments, and what the book meant to you. Not only does this provide valuable feedback to the author, but it also helps other readers discover hidden gems.

2. Spread the Word

Word-of-mouth remains one of the most powerful tools in the book community. If you loved a book, talk about it! Recommend it to friends, family, and coworkers. Share your excitement on social media platforms. Your enthusiasm might spark the interest of someone who is searching for their next literary adventure.

3. Engage on Social Media

Many authors are active on social media, sharing glimpses of their writing process, book updates, and personal insights. Engage with them! Like, comment, and share their posts. Your interaction not only boosts their morale but also helps them connect with a wider audience.

4. Attend Author Events

Keep an eye out for book signings, author readings, and literary festivals in your area. Attending these events not only allows you to meet the author in person but also provides an opportunity to express your gratitude face-to-face. Authors appreciate hearing directly from readers about the impact their work has made.

5. Participate in Online Book Clubs

Online book clubs offer a fantastic platform for readers to discuss books in-depth. Participate in discussions, share your interpretations, and connect with fellow readers. Authors often join these discussions, creating a unique opportunity for direct dialogue.

6. Support Their Work

If you can, consider purchasing books directly from the author’s website or attending their book launches. Your direct support ensures a more significant portion of the proceeds goes to the author. If financial constraints are an issue, request their books at your local library. Libraries often consider patrons' requests when adding new titles to their collections.

7. Express Your Gratitude

Lastly, don’t hesitate to send a simple email or a handwritten note expressing your gratitude. Authors, like all artists, thrive on feedback from their audience. Your heartfelt message might just be the encouragement they need to keep writing.

In the magical dance between authors and readers, gratitude flows in both directions. By showing our appreciation, we not only uplift the spirits of the creators but also contribute to the vibrant and supportive literary community. So, let’s spread the bookish love, one page at a time, and celebrate the enchanting world of stories and the incredible minds behind them.

Welcome to fall 🍂 ... the season of pumpkin-spiced everything, cooler weather (fingers crossed!), and the official kickoff of holiday sales!! 🎁

Now, while sipping on your pumpkin latte and cozying up in your favorite sweater may make you feel all toasty inside, we get that the thought of holiday sales might not be your cup of tea.

But here's the deal: now is the perfect time to start prepping your author marketing game for the holidays.

And while just reading those words may cause your pulse to race, don't freak out!

As always, we've got you covered.

Here are three areas you might want to consider focusing on in the days and weeks to come if you, or your publisher, will be offering any deals on your books in November and December:

1. Your newsletter. Since newsletters are the best way to reach readers, you'll want to think about planning out your next few months' worth of newsletter content as soon as possible. Remember, people will be busy during the holidays so you'll want to connect with them when they still have the time (and bandwidth) to open your email. And when they do, you want to make sure they have all the necessary information, whether it be links to your website, your publisher's website, Amazon, or elsewhere.

*Oh, don't be afraid to send a reminder email if needed on the day your sale goes live. Your readers will appreciate the reminder and the opportunity to snatch up your books at a great price!

2. Social Media. Yep, you need to share any sales you'll be having on social media! And now is the time to start creating and scheduling those posts so you don't get caught up in your own holiday prep and forget to advertise. It's also a great time to do some research on ads (whether it's Facebook, Instagram, BookBub, or Amazon) if that's something you're interested in and get those set up so you can reach even more people.

3. Paid promo sites. Just like ads, paid promotional sites are a great way to announce any special offerings you have this holiday season. But you need to act fast! The available promo slots fill up quickly so if you know you will be having any type of special on your books (free, discounted, bundles, etc.) don't wait to get on their schedule!!

Here are a few of the sites that we personally recommend:

Now you may be feeling a little overwhelmed by all the information we've shared. That's okay! Take a deep breath and count to 10.

Everything's going to be alright.

Just as with any part of your author marketing, you don't have to do it all. Figure out what works best for you, your schedule and your budget then work from there.

But remember, the key to success is preparation so we hope you'll take the time to start working on your holiday author marketing plans as soon as possible. And if there’s anything our team can do for you, we’re just a click, call, or pumpkin-spiced drink away!

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